Working Groups

As well as being a great networking opportunity, working-groups form the basis of the EMA's work in best-practice and policy.  You can find out more about each working group below.

Working Groups

EMA Core Working Groups

ESOS Forum

Virtual Meeting 249569604 690x433A dedicated forum on matters related to the compliance with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).

The EMA ESOS Forum is designed to support ESOS Lead Assessors, individuals conducting ESOS audits, representatives from participating organisations, and anyone involved in supporting ESOS compliance. This forum will operate as a working group and foster collaboration, knowledge-sharing and continuous improvement for the benefit of the ESOS professionals who come together to discuss best practices, tackle challenges and stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments.

Join the ESOS Forum as a Member.


  • 4 Meetings per year (3 x virtual and 1 face to face)*
  • CPD certificate for attended meetings
  • Quarterly newsletter
  • Regulatory updates

*Meetings' format:

  • Topical expert presentation or panel discussion to enhance the competencies required by ESOS Lead Assessors and auditing and assessment teams
  • Forum's Q&A - opportunity for peer to peer discussion and troubleshooting
  • Regulatory update on ESOS Phase 4 requirements 



Complete and submit this form if you wish to join the EMA ESOS Forum. Following your submission of the registration form, you will be contacted to pay the relevant annual fee. You will begin benefiting from the Forum participation when the payment is received by the EMA.

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Max. file size: 100 MB.
What best describes the industry you currently work in?*
Where did you hear about the EMA ESOS Forum?
The Energy Managers Association's working groups are subject to the Terms and Conditions.
The Energy Managers Association's working groups are subject to the Code of Conduct.
The EMA is committed to protecting your personal information and giving you control over how we use it. The information submitted as part of this application will be treated as confidential and only shared with trusted associates, suppliers and contractors for the purposes of administering and managing our services and activities. However, we would like your permission to keep you informed about our future initiatives and activities. You may withdraw this permission at any time. For further details, please see our Privacy Policy. By applying, I hereby confirm that I would like to receive information from the Energy Managers Association and trusted partners.*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you have any questions regarding the EMA ESOS Forum, please contact us by emailing [email protected].

Empowering Women in Energy Management and Environment GroupEmex 1119

The Energy Managers Association (EMA) launched Empowering Women in Energy Management and Environment group in 2016.

The Group provides an informal network for women in the energy management, facilities management, sustainability and environmental industries that can assist in supporting career development for professional women, mentor aspiring women to pursue energy management education and careers in the energy management and associated fields.

The Group has been created to support the EMA membership. However, the participation in this group is not limited to the EMA membership only and all professionals in the energy management and associated sectors are welcome to sign up to the Group’s mailing list to receive updates and contribute to interviews, articles and meetings. Our meetings’ format typically consists of panel discussions with prominent industry professionals, and opportunities to network with your peers, make new contacts and strengthen existing relationships.


The Group’s ultimate aim is to encourage and enable more women to enter the world of Energy Management and other environmental roles by increasing the level of awareness and understanding of this very rewarding career amongst those facing future career choices, and indeed exploring the current barriers to this route for women. Being an energy manager may not seem like the most obvious career for many women. Often described as a highly technical and men overpopulated sector, energy management has been lacking the role models that young or career changing women could learn from and identify with.

The Group’s launch was acknowledged by Lord Bourne, former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change who stated:

Speaking as someone who is particularly keen to see greater gender diversity at all levels in the workforce – and who has attended far too many senior meetings at which women were noticeably under-represented – initiatives such as this are very good news indeed.

If you are interested in the Empowering Women in Energy Management and Environment Group, you may be interested in the "Jack (or Jackie) of all trades" article.

To get involved with the Group and keep up-to-date with its future activities, please register your interest with the EMA by emailing [email protected].

Working Groups

Behaviour Change


The Behaviour Change Working Group has thus far published two separate reports building up to its upcoming final paper. This paper will lay out strategies for creating and embedding systematic Energy Management within an organisation's culture.

The first paper takes a 'top-down' approach and examines how to win the support of the Boardroom. The second paper investigates how to bring about behavioural change amongst an organisation's staff.

Our Continuing Work

If you are experienced in delivering behavioural change to reduce energy and carbon emissions across organisations and wish to share your expertise as part of this Group, please email [email protected].



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