Five Energy Management Trends for 2019

Five energy management trends for 2019 2019 promises to be an interesting year for energy managers, with continuing technological progress and some important policy changes. Here are the top trends to watch: Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) The final guidance for SECR will be published in January with the scheme coming into effect in […]

ESOS Newsletter (2017 Issue 3)

ESOS Newsletter (2017 Issue 3) The Environment Agency ESOS Team has circulated the latest ESOS newsletter. This issue covers the public consultation on The Environment Agency’s new Enforcement and Sanctions Policy (ESP) and also provides useful information on ESOS Phase 2 Compliance.  

Become an ESOS Lead Assessor

Become an ESOS Lead Assessor Due to industry demand and popularity, the Energy Managers Association (EMA) continues  approving Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)’s Lead Assessors to help companies and their clients to prepare for the ESOS Phase 2 compliance date. Candidates aspiring to become EMA Registered ESOS Lead Assessors follow a four step process, part of which is […]

ESOS Compliance Deadline – Go figure

ESOS Compliance Deadline – Go figure The original rapidly looming ESOS compliance deadline on the 5th December must mean that your schedule is becoming more hectic as your workload increases. However, the latest ESOS Newsletter  of the Environment Agency (EA) suggests that whilst the compliance date remains set for early December, penalties’ enforcement action for […]