ESOS Newsletter – November 2019

The Environment Agency ESOS Team has circulated the latest ESOS newsletter. This issue focuses on: Compliance Deadline ESOS Notification System Phase 2 Notification System changes Assessment Standards Table 

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Five Energy Management Trends for 2019

Five energy management trends for 2019 2019 promises to be an interesting year for energy managers, with continuing technological progress and some important policy changes. Here are the top trends to watch: Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) The final guidance for SECR will be published in January with the scheme coming into effect in […]

Five areas to focus on in 2018

Five areas to focus on in 2018 Welcome to 2018. Summing up and reviewing 2017 is so last year, so here are the five energy management issues you will find yourselves focusing on this year. 1. Changes to the Business Energy Efficiency Taxation Landscape A surprising number of energy managers will not have even heard […]