EMA Energy Reduction and Decarbonisation Policy Survey – Open until 1 July 2024

Ema Survey June 2024 1200x675

World And Icon To Organization Sustainable Development EnvironmeIn 2012, the focus on energy efficiency was fundamental to managing energy demand reduction and decarbonising the UK to the then Coalition Government. Twelve years on, we've been through the Industrial Strategy in 2017 and Net Zero Strategy: Build Back Greener in 2021 (and its review in 2023) to mention just a few other visions crucial to energy and carbon reductions across organsations and businesses working towards their low carbon future.

The upcoming 2024 general election presents another opportunity to improve a framework for implementing consistent, predictable, and effective energy reduction and decarbonisation policies in the UK. We invite energy management professionals to participate in our survey to share their insights and ideas on the future of energy reduction and decarbonisation policy development.