The WINNERS of the EMA Energy Management Awards 2024 are:
Energy Manager 2024
Astley Fenwick - Senior Consultant - Astley Fenwick Consultancy
Astley is a chartered professional and electrical engineer, and has over 50 years’ experience within the building services sector and 35 years’ experience with industrial facilities. His previous role was as a Site Electrical Engineer and Energy Manager at GSK. His specialities include power distribution, lighting, motor drives, HVAC controls, compressed air systems, building services design and maintenance as well as running stakeholders’ engagement campaigns in his previous role at GSK. Leaving GSK in 2004, he became an Energy Management Consultant carrying out design, installation and commissioning electrical services, energy management audits, reporting and overseeing projects improving energy efficiency. To date, he has carried out over 230 energy audits ranging from SMEs to large organisations. He has a wealth of knowledge regarding energy matters and also advises on the road to Net Zero, and transition methods to replace fossil burning energy equipment. He is passionate about reducing energy consumption and improving sustainability to maintain the earth’s resources for future generations.

Sustainability Manager 2024
Kuram Gwakyaa - Head of Sustainability – Mitie
Kuram is a passionate environmentalist and a chemical engineer experienced in renewable energy, environmental management, fire safety and quality management. His role as a Head of Sustainability on Mitie’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) account involves leading and accelerating the delivery of the sustainability agenda for DWP’s estate, comprising of 800+ sites. This encompasses steering key projects and ensuring best-in-class compliance, monitoring and reporting across the board. In his quest to deliver impactful sustainability change, Kuram is harnessing the Mitie’s Plan Zero blueprint in conjunction with his broad experience to ensure DWP meet their net zero targets and Greening Government Commitments. Kuram is committed to driving social and environmental change and is actively involved in charitable causes and climate action advocacy to help to create a more just and sustainable world.
EMA Member 2024
Craig Love - Director, Impact Assessment & Reporting - Scottish National Investment Bank
Craig leads on defining the Bank’s Net Zero ambitions and wider environmental reporting, in relation to both operational and investment activities, while supporting the wider work of the Impact team. This includes coordinating the Bank’s efforts to define and deliver a climate strategy that will allow the Bank to support the transition to Net Zero at a portfolio level, and to drive progress towards Net Zero corporate structure and ambition. He provides guidance and input into investment due diligence and portfolio management and has developed a reporting platform which can support investees on their own carbon management journey. Craig also leads on the evaluation and reporting of the Bank’s corporate environmental and climate performance, including statutory requirements, the preparation of Climate Risk Assessments, and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures reporting.

ESOS Assessment 2024
Co-op Group - with Michael Greer as the appointed ESOS Lead Assessor
The ESOS Assessment, led by an in-house ESOS Lead Assessor, was executed with precision and successfully engaged both energy and non-energy personnel within the organisation to pinpoint energy-saving opportunities. By consistently implementing energy management practices, this assessment not only uncovered ongoing opportunities, but also accelerated efforts to decrease energy consumption, met compliance requirements, and achieved substantial cost savings and environmental benefits through strategic energy management practices.
Energy Efficiency Project 2024
Optopia and Portsmouth Water for their Northbrook Water Treatment Works Energy Efficiency Project
The Northbrook project is a great example of where Optopia and Portsmouth Water (PW) worked collaboratively to complete a comprehensive, systems based review of its site operations. Looking at the whole system allowed for a much better understanding of the system characteristics. In particular this identified the exponential rise in friction losses in the system as flows increased and water levels changed. This highlighted an opportunity to install pumps with lower flows which were matched to the system curve, were more efficient, and took account of varying water levels through the year, maximising efficiency and optimising operations. By collaborating with pump manufacturers and various suppliers, the most effective solution was found to ensure a delivery of the projected efficiencies in real-world applications. This solution delivered significant energy efficiency with an estimated payback period of <2 years and further benefits: reduced pump cycling, lower flow velocities (minimising water quality issues), and the introduction of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) to further enhance efficiency and water quality.

Decarbonisation Project 2024
University of Reading for its Business Travel Carbon Budgets
The University’s decarbonisation project focused on reducing its carbon emissions from business travel across the organisation through the introduction of travel carbon budgets for business travel for each School and Directorate alongside a new monitoring and reporting process. The project stemmed from a sustainable travel working group set up post-COVID pandemic, which led to a new Travel Policy introducing carbon budgets 30% below historic levels with a 50% stretch target. The Policy also banned non-economy flights and mainland UK flights, as well as mandating train travel for international destinations reachable within 8 hours of London. The initiative has seen colleagues across the University changing behaviours to successfully deliver savings of 5,248 tCO2 against pre-COVID levels in its first year; another significant step in the University’s decarbonisation journey.
Net Zero Strategy 2024
Liverpool John Moores University

Energy Management Consultancy Partnership 2024
CBRE and Vestas
Organisation 2024
Decarbonisation is central to Mitie’s business strategy. Through Plan Zero, launched in 2020, they’ve established a robust framework to reduce their carbon footprint and help their customers do the same. This approach focuses on decarbonising the fleet, optimising the buildings, enhancing biodiversity, and shifting to a circular economy to eliminate non-sustainable waste. With one of the largest electric vehicle fleets in the country (approaching 6,000 vehicles) and all Mitie-controlled buildings powered by renewable energy, they’re committed to achieving net zero operational emissions by 2025, and non-operational emissions by 2035 — the most ambitious targets in their industry. Their commitments have received validation from the Science Based Target initiative, underscoring the near-term and long-term net zero goals. Guided by their "Do, Lead, Deliver" ethos, they apply sustainable practices within Mitie, lead the industry by example, and use this expertise to support customers nationwide on their own decarbonisation journey.

The 2024 Highly Commended in the following categories are:
Energy Manager: Adam Nguyen - Energy Manager - Jaguar Building Services
ESOS Assessment: Astley Fenwick Consultancy and Hydram Engineering Ltd - with Astley Fenwick as the appointed ESOS Lead Assessor

The winners and highly commended individuals and organisations of this year’s Awards demonstrated outstanding skills, understanding, dedication, resilience and a can-do attitude. We hope that the Awards will serve as a platform for the winners to highlight their accomplishments and credentials within their organisations and the wider industry.
Congratulations to all our 2024 Winners and Highly Commended.