UPDATES TO THE ESOS COMPLIANCE GUIDANCE The Environment Agency has issued a small number of updates for the third ESOS compliance period.  Have a look at what is new in the Comply with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Guidance. The updates that have been issued : Replaced the PDF with a HTML guide for accessibility […]

Esos Compliance Guidance Updates

TRANSPORT DECARBONISATION TECHNOLOGIES: PROS & CONS – 27 January 2021, 11:00-12:00, EMA Live Virtual Event

TRANSPORT DECARBONISATION TECHNOLOGIES: PROS & CONS 27 January 2021, 11:00-12:00, EMA Live Virtual Event This week we are continuing our workshop series with a session on Transport Decarbonisation Technologies: Pros & Cons. This workshop will look at what our choices are to decarbonise the transport, the range of available technologies, their impact and advantages and […]

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DECARBONISATION OF HEAT – THE BASICS OF HEAT PUMPS – 13 January 2021, 11:00-12:00, Virtual Event

DECARBONISATION OF HEAT – THE BASICS OF HEAT PUMPS 13 January 2021, 11:00-12:00, Virtual Event Each week the EMA holds virtual workshops where our experts from amongst energy managers and energy management service and technology providers cover important and topical subjects relevant to the industry. We are starting 2021 with the Decarbonisation of Heat topic […]

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MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM THE EMA2020 was certainly different than we expected. Over the last nine months, as our worlds have become smaller, we have appreciated our community more than ever and we hope that you have too. While we have not been able to be together in a physical sense, we have taken the advantage of […]

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