BEIS’s Smart Metering Programme Survey

BEIS’s Smart Metering Programme SurveyBEIS

The Energy Managers Association (EMA) is working with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)’s Smart Metering Programme on a survey that will allow a better understanding of the development and uptake of energy management solutions in the non-domestic market. The findings will inform thinking about possible activities aimed at supporting non-domestic organisations to use metering information about their energy consumption to improve energy management. By responding to the survey you will be making a direct contribution to this work.

We would encourage you to participate in the survey that should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Please note that the mandatory questions only require simple multiple-response answers; but the more information you provide, the better the evidence base will be for BEIS’s further work in this area. The survey closing date is Friday, 17 February 2017.