ESOS Lead Assessors play a fundamental role in the ESOS cycle by ensuring that organisations complete their ESOS compliance project in line with the regulatory requirements and by its deadline. ESOS Lead Assessors lead, carry out and oversee or review energy audits and overall ESOS assessment. They can be an employee of an organisation which qualifies for ESOS (‘in-house’) or a third party.
As the ESOS Phase 3 compliance deadline is looming closer (5th December 2023), the demand for registered ESOS Lead Assessors is increasing. But how do you achieve your professional status of a registered ESOS Lead Assessors?
The common path in becoming an ESOS Lead Assessor is to register with one of the Registers of ESOS Lead Assessors approved by the Environment Agency. Every Register has different conditions and stages of approving Lead Assessors. However, the common denominator for all is that they expect the applicants to demonstrate a good quality and relevant professional energy assessment and energy auditing experience relevant to the PAS 51215 competencies.

Applicants who opt to achieve their ESOS Lead Assessor approval and registration with the EMA will follow these steps:
1. Completion of an Application Pack that consists of an application form, CV, Code of Conduct, qualification certificates.
2. Attendance of the Become an ESOS Lead Assessor course (1-day online, participatory and tutor-led), the next course is scheduled on 19 May 2023. Application pack acceptance and reference check are the conditions for the applicant's course admission.
3. Completion of a written assessment that covers regulatory requirements as well as ESOS assessment processes.
4. Completion of a Peer Review and Technical Interview to assess the applicant's practical energy management and auditing expertise, as well as the knowledge of the ESOS regulation and requirements.

In terms of practicalities, the EMA ESOS Lead Assessor approval process can normally be completed within 4-6 weeks of attending the course. However, don't leave it too late, please visit the our webpage to find out more, or email Jana Skodlova at [email protected]
Becoming an ESOS Lead Assessor is a great way to demonstrate your professional ability and help you step up to the next level in your career. If you reach this professional status, you can state your sector focus and specialism, allowing you to provide even more value and expertise to the organisation you are working for.