Become an ESOS Lead Assessor

Become an ESOS Lead Assessor

Due to industry demaMV-Breakout-150x150nd and popularity, the Energy Managers Association (EMA) continues  approving Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)’s Lead Assessors to help companies and their clients to prepare for the ESOS Phase 2 compliance date.

Candidates aspiring to become EMA Registered ESOS Lead Assessors follow a four step process, part of which is also undertaking a one day training course. The upcoming EMA ESOS Lead Assessor course will take place on 30 March in London.

If you are interested in becoming a Registered ESOS Lead Assessor, we would encourage you to register your interest or request more information about the process from Jana at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can download your application form here and submit it with your up to date CV.

Location: London – Vauxhall
Fee: £1250+VAT
( course, assessment, interview and 3-year registration)

The EMA ESOS Lead Assessor process has received excellent feedback from participants both in the UK and internationally. Participants are taught by a leading expert Kit Oung who has many years of experience in energy management and has convened the development of PAS 51215 (UK), EN 16247-3 (European), and ISO 50002 (International) standards.