Become an ESOS Lead Assessor
Due to industry demand and popularity, the Energy Managers Association (EMA) continues approving Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)’s Lead Assessors to help companies and their clients to prepare for the ESOS Phase 2 compliance date.
Candidates aspiring to become EMA Registered ESOS Lead Assessors follow a four step process, part of which is also undertaking a one day training course. The upcoming EMA ESOS Lead Assessor course will take place on 30 March in London.
If you are interested in becoming a Registered ESOS Lead Assessor, we would encourage you to register your interest or request more information about the process from Jana at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can download your application form here and submit it with your up to date CV.
Location: London – Vauxhall
Fee: £1250+VAT
( course, assessment, interview and 3-year registration)