5 Factors to Consider When Evaluating Battery Storage
Battery storage has been the subject of a substantial amount of publicity and market interest recently. After all, peak time demand is going to become a major issue in the near future as little generation is coming on line in the short to medium term. The UK will need to implement various battery technologies that will allow load shifting of power. Excess generation produced at off peak periods could be stored on organisation’s site for use in peak periods.
As positive as it may sound, this is not the one-size fits all solution. There are numerous factors to consider before investing into battery storage systems:
1. Research various battery technologies: their general use, deployment within buildings, charging and discharging methodologies, and limitations;
2. Look into available financial incentives and electricity charge savings;
3. Review your electrical system, usage, charging and discharging cycles and energy contract;
4. Review the cost modelling for battery storage and establish what variables may affect viability at your sites;
5. Define your objectives and targets; evaluate the benefits of integrating battery storage systems into your organisation.