5 Factors to Consider When Evaluating Battery Storage

5 Factors to Consider When Evaluating Battery Storage Battery storage has been the subject of a substantial amount of publicity and market interest recently. After all, peak time demand is going to become a major issue in the near future as little generation is coming on line in the short to medium term. The UK […]

battery storage

Upskill in Energy Management

EMA Courses 2017 – 2018 Energy Management in Practice (LEC 3) The EMA has produced a training programme for individuals interested to gain knowledge needed to operate effectively as an energy manager in a workplace. The programme is intended for candidates who are: – Up-skilling their existing energy management knowledge and skills – Re-skilling from other professions […]

What is Driving the Evolution of Energy Management in the UK?

The EMA is conducting a survey in association with E.ON and would really value your input. Please take a moment to respond to the survey. Energy is one of the most significant costs for a business and reducing it by just a few percentage points can have a significant impact on profits. Recent research however, […]

ESOS Newsletter (2017 Issue 1)

The Environment Agency ESOS Team has circulated the latest ESOS newsletter to keep you up to date with the latest information relevant to the scheme. Please click the button below to view the newsletter.  

Electric Vehicles – the challenge of charging infrastructure.

Electric Vehicles – the challenge of charging infrastructure. By Rupert Redesdale, CEO, EMA My brother in law recently bought a top of the range Tesla, way out of my price range. So imagine how smug I felt when I bought Renault Zoe without even touching the sides of the depreciation his car will face. The […]