Updates to the SECR section of the Environmental Reporting Guidance

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting requirements have come into force on 1st April and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some minor updates that have been made to the SECR section (Chapter 2) of the Environmental Reporting Guidance to reflect some of the feedback and questions they have […]


EMA Webinar: An introduction to Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting

Your company may be one of the more than 11,000 large companies that will need to start compiling data for SECR. The EMA is hosting a webinar to review the reporting requirements and outline how your business can comply starting in April of 2019. Sign up here for the Webinar on April 11th at 11am.

Battery Storage for Business

Battery storage has been the subject of a substantial amount of publicity and market interest recently. There are many points to consider when making sense of battery storage systems. First and foremost it is important to understand the various battery technologies, how they work, and what their general use and deployment within buildings is. One should also […]

BEIS Announcements alongside the Spring Statement today

This post is to update you on progress towards the Clean Growth Strategy ambition to support businesses to be 20% more energy efficient by 2030 and includes information about 3 announcements. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Today, as part of the Spring Statement, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched a call for evidence […]