Energy Management Courses

The EMA courses focus on providing breadth, depth and application of the core energy management tasks. They have been specifically designed with energy management professionals in mind. Not only are the participants presented with practical information relevant to their workplace from energy managers who develop and deliver the courses, but they can also pick up […]

Collage Courses Oct Nov 2019

We are seeking applications in the following categories: Energy Manager of the Year – Public Sector Energy Manager of the Year – Private Sector Junior Energy Management Professional of the Year Energy Management Team of the Year – Public Sector Energy Management Team of the Year – Private Sector and more….. Winners and Highly Commended […]

Awards Logo 2019

ESOS Newsletter – September 2019

The Environment Agency ESOS Team has circulated the latest ESOS newsletter. This issue focuses on: Identifying Energy Savings Opportunities ESOS Assessment Standards Table ESOS Notification System Critical Dates 

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