You can comply with ESOS in 3 months. Start Now! Here’s how …

You can comply with ESOS in 3 months. Start Now! Here’s how … by Kit Oung   There are roughly three months to go before ESOS compliance date – 5th December 2015. By this date all large undertakings in the UK should have notified the Environment Agency of their compliance. One of the key questions that […]

Predictions of brownouts and blackouts come closer

As the EMA predictions of brownouts and blackouts come closer, the EMA says: “We’ve told you so!” It is a no-brainer that the UK does not have the generating capacity it needs, and so we have to buy it in or pay large energy users not to use it. And the situation is only going […]

Energy Managers Association

Government to review business energy efficiency policies

In Wednesday’s budget the Government announced a long expected change to the Climate Change Levy, CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and Climate Change Agreements. These are to be streamlined, possibly into one scheme. The Energy Managers Association (EMA) welcomes this proposal and is prepared to advice on any changes that would reduce bureaucracy that surrounds these […]


Trailblazer Apprentice Standard Consultation

The UK will be one of the most competitive market places for energy managers’ skills in the next 5-7 years, as British businesses start to see the rise in the cost of energy as a priority. Many companies in the UK either have no energy managers in place or have outsourced energy management skillsets, and […]

Could energy be THE defining issue of the next Government?

The next general election is looming and the main parties are making their manifesto commitments. From past experience   these firm pledges are far more aspirational than red lines. It will be interesting to see how these commitments could survive the predicted coalition or a minority Government. The experience of the last five years is […]