EMA Registered Energy and Carbon Manager

EMA Registered Energy and Carbon Manager

Professional Recognition of Energy Management Practitioners

The EMA believes that individuals need a strong understanding of energy and carbon management competencies to effectively manage energy costs, consumption, monitoring, reporting and efficiency. Practitioners at this level typically manage the energy consumption of large organisations and oversee the carbon reduction agenda. Their tasks include improving resource use, managing risk, ensuring compliance, operating financial controls and promoting sustainability practices.

These professionals lead the energy and net-zero strategy, aiming to minimise consumption, lead energy projects and manage the environment of buildings, processes and transport. They collaborate with other stakeholders to drive energy conservation across sites, managing energy on a large scale. Skilled in energy audits and assessments, they ensure compliance with operational and regulatory requirements. While many energy and carbon management practitioners have the skills to manage energy usage and consumption, few are professionally recognised and registered as Energy and Carbon Managers.

The EMA has introduced the Registered Energy and Carbon Manager status for those professionals who can demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and skills acquired from practising energy management and continuous professional development. The professional’s level of energy management knowledge and skillset can be assessed through the Knowledge and Skills Gap Analysis interview – an informal conversation based on the professional’s experience achieved to date. A satisfactory completion of the interview results in the EMA Registered Energy and Carbon Manager status being awarded to the professional.

Energy Management Competencies required to become an EMA Recognised Energy Manager

Core Competencies:

  1. Technical and Operational
  2. Energy Auditing /Assessments,
  3. Energy Monitoring, Targeting and Validation
  4. Regulation, Compliance and Voluntary Schemes
  5. Carbon Management
  6. Behavioural Change, Motivation and Communication
  7. Energy Management Strategy and Plan
  8. Energy Procurement
  9. Onsite Electricity Generation
  10. Project Management
  11. Financial Management / Budgeting

Ancillary Competencies:

  1. Water Management
  2. Waste Management
  3. Energy Efficient Transport
  4. Information & Communications Technology
  5. Leadership

The route to achieving the professional status of an EMA Registered Energy and Carbon Manager:

The recognition of a Registered Energy and Carbon Manager is based on demonstrating a sufficient level of knowledge and skills across energy management competencies through:

  1. Application Pack - The application pack will consist of the following:
      • Application Form with the Knowledge and Skills Self-Assessment Report - The application and self-assessment form are based on the competencies listed in the Energy Management Competency Mapping  (3-6 years of experience) and will be shared with the applicant when the Knowledge and Skills Gap Analysis Interview has been booked. 
      • In Company Energy Management Project - To help us understand the extent to which the applicant has been involved in energy management processes within their own or clients' organisations, they are asked to submit an in-company energy management project that represents a recent challenge faced by their company or a client, which the applicant prepared, managed and implemented. A shortlist of possible projects will be provided with the self-assessment form.
      • Up-to-date CV.
  1. The Knowledge and Skills Gap Analysis Interview - The EMA conducts the online interview to assess the applicant's level of knowledge and skillset through an informal professional conversation based on the experience achieved to date. 

Become an EMA Registered Energy and Carbon Manager

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