Energy Management Awards 2024 – Categories and Nominees

Awards Banner 2022 (4)


Energy Manager of the Year

Private and Public Sector


We are seeking applications from professionals who have been working in energy management for several years. The entry should reflect the entrant's industry knowledge and experience, their achievements and initiatives to promote energy efficiency, and include overall savings and energy reduction achieved for their organisation. We are seeking entries from professionals who believe they meet these criteria and those who wish to nominate their colleagues and peers. Entrants will be expected to evidence their impact and achievements with examples and results.

Why enter?

This Award is a unique opportunity for professionals to showcase their expertise in energy management, celebrate their successes and achievements, and at the same time raise their profile in the energy management industry and within their organisations.

Energy Management Team of the Year

Private and Public Sector


We are seeking applications from teams of two or more people who are engaged in daily energy management activities for their organisation or clients. The teams should be able to demonstrate clearly defined roles, collaboration between the roles that is beneficial to the performance of the team, development of individuals within the team and successful performance outcomes. We are seeking entries from teams who believe they meet these criteria and those who wish to nominate their colleagues and peers. Entrants will be expected to evidence their impact and achievements with examples and results.

Why enter?

This Award recognises the teams’ contribution to their organisation or clients, celebrates their successes and achievements, and demonstrates the benefits of a structured approach to energy management.

Sustainability Manager of the Year

Private and Public Sector


We are seeking applications from professionals who have been working in sustainability for several years. The entry should reflect the entrant's industry knowledge and experience in developing, implementing and monitoring company or organisation’s sustainability strategies. We are seeking entries from professionals who believe they meet these criteria and those who wish to nominate their colleagues and peers. Entrants will be expected to evidence their impact and achievements with examples and results.

Why enter?

This Award is a unique opportunity for professionals to showcase their expertise in sustainability, celebrate their successes and achievements, and at the same time raise their profile in the industry and within their organisations.

Young Energy Management Professional

of the Year


We are seeking applications from professionals who have been working in the energy management industry for no more than three years. The entrants should be able to demonstrate their impact on energy reduction and achieved savings at their organisation. We are seeking entries from professionals who believe they meet these criteria and those who wish to nominate their colleagues and peers. Entrants will be expected to evidence their impact and achievements with examples, showcasing their role in the achieved results/savings.

Why enter?

This Award recognises new talent in the energy management industry, showcases and highlights energy management as a rewarding career option for new and upcoming energy managers.

EMA Member of the Year


This special category is nominated by the EMA. This Award seeks to reward a member of the EMA for their support throughout the year.


of the Year


We are seeking applications from organisations that can demonstrate their commitment to energy and carbon emission reduction through an organisation wide approach and application of core areas of energy management. This category is open to end-user organisations of any size that are able to showcase their organisational approach to energy management with robust policies, strategies and results in each area. Organisations with small and large teams are encouraged to apply.

Why enter?

This Award recognises the overall organisational effort needed to achieve the best and sustainable results, celebrates organisations that have achieved a high level of engagement to reduce energy consumption and carbon, and increases visibility of the achievements.

Net Zero Strategy

of the Year


We are seeking applications from organisations with clearly defined Net Zero strategy and targets. The entry should include the organisation’s short- and long-term plans for achieving the set goals, expected timelines, progress to date and any achievements so far. We are seeking entries that offer a clear pathway and consider all scopes of carbon emissions that occur directly or indirectly from the organisation's activities. Entrants will be expected to share their strategy documents as part of the submission.

Why enter?

This Award is a unique opportunity for organisations to showcase their commitment to the Net Zero agenda, celebrate their successes and achievements, and at the same time raise their profile in the industry.

Decarbonisation Project

of the Year


We are seeking applications on energy, sustainability and/or engineering projects that have been successfully implemented and savings achieved can be demonstrated. All projects, including but not limited to optimisation, upgrading, replacing or behaviour change, that have been implemented and resulted in a reduction of carbon emissions for the organisation will be accepted. The project results should be able to demonstrate successful implementation, reduction and savings achieved.

Why enter?

This Award recognises the organisational effort that is needed for leading a decarbonisation project of any size, celebrates successful implementation and achieved savings.

Energy Efficiency Project

of the Year


We are seeking applications on energy, sustainability and/or engineering projects that have been successfully implemented and where any achieved energy reduction can be demonstrated. All projects, including but not limited to optimisation, upgrading, replacing or behaviour change, that have been implemented and resulted in an energy reduction for the organisation will be accepted. The project results should be able to demonstrate successful implementation, reduction and savings achieved.

Why enter?

This Award recognises the organisational effort that is needed for leading an energy efficiency project of any size, celebrates successful implementation and achieved energy reduction and savings.

ESOS Assessment

of the Year


We are seeking applications on ESOS assessments that have been completed in the Phase 3 compliance period, and where tailored information on cost-effective ways to reduce energy use were prepared and provided to comply with ESOS. All ESOS Assessments where comprehensive compliance approaches and processes can be evidenced will be accepted. The submissions should be able to demonstrate a thorough completion of the assessment, including detail on ESOS energy audit and report, energy assessment, identified energy savings opportunities, outlined recommendations and any next steps.

Why enter?

This Award recognises the expertise and effort that is required for delivering an ESOS compliance and celebrates a delivery of a complex work that supports an organisation in regulatory compliance and in adopting measures to save energy.

Energy Management Consultancy Partnership

of the Year


We are seeking applications from in-house teams and service providers about collaborative partnerships of two or more parties that can demonstrate the benefits of delivering energy management in a partnership. We are seeking entries from partnerships that have been in place for a period of time that allows for the evidence to be presented. Entrants will be expected to evidence their impact and achievements with examples and results.

Why enter?

This Award seeks to recognise a successful partnership where a collaborative approach to delivering energy management has been successfully implemented. The Award offers a unique opportunity to showcase a successful partnership and highlight benefits for all parties.